Step Into the Joy of Creating

Our Process of Working Together

Every project is different. The site conditions, the size, your budget, your goals, and your time resources. My goal is to work WITH you, not FOR you. My goal is to help you connect with your land and bio-region, becoming the best steward you can be. My goal is to build resilient systems that can withstand the disruptive pressures of climate change and compromised ecological pressures. My goal is to not only design to a rigorous standard of excellence, but to make sure that the execution maintains a high level of quality and beauty. A five year commitment to implement and establish a stable, healthy and regeneration ecological should be expected.

Generally the process looks like this:

INTRODUCTORY PHONE CALL to see if we might be a good fit to work together.

PRELIMINARY SITE VISITS and EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY walking the land with you, observe and understand existing conditions, discuss dreams and visions. Any code and utility research is done in this phase, and a document is created showing existing conditions and a list of projects. Observational visits might be needed in different weather conditions, and different seasons. Working with both a site plan and written notes, we begin to formulate attainable goals. Price range between $200-$1000 per visit, depending on size of your land and the extent of your vision. Observational work is quiet, using all our senses, to build an understanding of existing conditions on your land. We begin formulating realistic plans.

DEVELOP A MASTER VISION SITE PLAN which shows how everything is CONNECTED, while separating individual projects and goals. This includes a plan drawing(s), and conceptual information about individual projects. We develop a drawing(s) over these visits, showing existing conditions, plants and eco-systems (many sites have a variety), landscape features, invasive species, circulation, buildings, infrastructure, utilities and climatic information. Drawing time/prices will vary, depending on size and complexity. Drawing based on historical information, arial photos, and surveys. 

DESIGN & BUDGET DEVELOPMENT, this is when we drill down into the details and design various elements of your projects. Costs can vary wildly, so there is some back and forth as we come up with optimal solutions. Assess existing resources and needed resources, based on a circular economy and ecologically sound decision making. What natural capital is on your land? What are the existing eco-system services, and how does that integrate into your budget? What is wild, what is highly cultivated—and in between?

Develop a long term road map for your property based on information we have gleaned and evolved together. The fee for this will develop after we get through the first year of observation, and an understanding of your resources and values. 

INSTALLATION & BUILD, I will work with you to find the best way to complete projects, with your contractors, or outside builders. The complexity of the projects and design will inform this process. Help to select hardscape & landscape professionals, contractors as needed.

Continue with regular site visits, written assessments, goals met, moving targets.

Through seasonal observations, understand failures and successes. As the climate change warms, and weather events intensify, we will be working with the latest science in plant species selection, and continuing to accept feedback.

You can find a road map here.


My rate is $100 -$125/hr.

We can start with a 30 minute free video (if travel is a factor) or in-person discovery meeting.

Observation, conversation, R&D, drawings, planning, working with you to create a long term strategic plan which is flexible, resilient and based on realistic goals and resource management. Together we will build plans and goals that are reasonable, attainable, and measurable. I look forward to where we can go together.

Travel $60/hr

“Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you.”

— Wendell Berry